To support local communities we offer fundraising opportunities for schools, clubs and charities.
Make 50¢ per badge sold through our website for your fundraising at no cost or risk to you. We’ll even give you some promotional banners for Instagram, Facebook and Twitter to help promote your fundraising campaign.
Register your details below and we will give you a unique code that will make funds for your campaign every time it is used. All applications are reviewed for legitimacy and we will contact you if there’s anything we need to know.
Once the form is submitted we will contact you with the details for your campaign.
Registered Charities
At the end of the fundraising campaign we will make a donation to you for the agreed amount per badge sold using your fundraising code on the website. You will need to provide an invoice showing your New Zealand charity registration number to receive our donation.
At the end of the fundraising campaign we will pay a commission to you for the agreed amount per badge sold using your fundraising code on the website. You will need to provide a tax invoice to receive our commission. GST can be added to the total if you are GST registered.
Fundraising campaigns are currently only available for New Zealand organisations.